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Deep Meditation is the answer to all questions: where do I come from, who am I, where am I headed. Meditation and hesychastic contemplation have always been the possibility of experiencing the divine presence in our lives through self-knowledge. Hesychasm is not a theory or an abstract philosophy or even a practice of physical or psychological well-being, but a living, practical experience, a path that leads to self-knowledge and an encounter with God, something extremely real and concrete. A way totally contrary to the mentality "of the world", in which we are immersed from the first years of our lives and which many believe to be the only dimension in which life takes place in the universe. Transcendental Hesychasm is an ancient ascetic discipline composed of three branches: deep meditation, contemplation and prayer. It is the ancient practice of the Desert Fathers which consists in the full knowledge of oneself and in the encounter with God


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